From Poverty to Abundance

Eric Paulucci
2 min readOct 20, 2021
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Embrace the journey

From poverty to abundance

Build your inner faith

At times, we can solely identify poverty and abundance as being related to money. While there is most definitely a monetary correlation to these two states, in this particular context, it is relating to something that is much deeper. It is a feeling from within, that is also a journey of sorts as we chart out the landscape of our lives. One can actually describe it as the beginning point (poverty) to a moment of mastery (abundance) when it comes to the different ways in which we live and see ourselves.

As an example, we might find ourselves in a state of poverty at our workplace. Poverty from the standpoint that we are not finding value or purpose to what we’re doing. Or we might be lacking any sort of development or connection to those who surround us. But then, we are entertained with a new opportunity that actually fulfills the passion inside of us, and we start to find that we move away from a feeling of lack to a true feeling of bounty.

Whatever the example or situation, we must trust that in order to fully embrace the beauty and power of abundance, we must first start on its opposite side where there is very little. For how is it that we could ever be authentically grateful for that turn in the road that sets our sights on a mountain of treasures. Treasures that are, in actuality, filled with feelings of accomplishment, generosity and grace.



Eric Paulucci

I spent almost 30 years in the hospitality industry. I recently founded the Boot A(E)ffect — a holistic firm focused on Personal Growth & Professional Guidance.